0810 [CTF-d] Network_DefCoN#21 #52020/Write-Ups 2020. 8. 10. 15:44
화요일팀 윤희원 https://joyyounn.tistory.com/22?category=916168 [CTF-d] Network_DefCoN#21 #5 먼저 round5.zip 파일을 압축해제해 보니 Dump 폴더와 log.txt 파일이 있고, Dump 폴더 안에는 cache, data, wifi, rc 등 여러가지 파일이 있었다. dump: 기억장치의 내용을 전부 또는 일부를 인쇄하여 출력하는. joyyounn.tistory.com
0810 InCTF 2020 Forensics_LOGarithm2020/Write-Ups 2020. 8. 10. 05:30
수 강정윤 https://hec-ker.tistory.com/162 InCTF 2020 Forensics_LOGarithm Let's solve the second forensics question. Two pcap and vmem files were given below. First, you need image information about the vmem file. .\volatility_2.6_win64_standalone.exe -f .\Evidence.vmem.. hec-ker.tistory.com
0810 InCTF 2020 Forensics_Investigation Continues2020/Write-Ups 2020. 8. 10. 05:29
수 강정윤 https://hec-ker.tistory.com/163 InCTF 2020 Forensics_Investigation Continues You need to find out these three questions. The last time Adam entered an incorrect password to login The time when the file '1.jpg' opened The last time Adam used taskbar to launch Chrome First, y.. hec-ker.tistory.com
0810 [DigitalForensic] Network_with CTFDefCoN#21 #72020/Write-Ups 2020. 8. 10. 04:14
화요일팀 박상은 Victoria가 지시한 허위(악의적인) 웹페이지의 URL은 무엇입니까? ->URL을 구하는것이다. NetworkMiner로 문제파일을 열어보았다. url관련을 찾아보았다.-> www.bankofamerica.com Bank of America - Banking, Credit Cards, Loans and Merrill Investing What would you like the power to do? For you and your family, your business and your community. At Bank of America, our purpose is to help make financial lives better through the power of every conne..